How do I get my prescription refilled?

You may request a refill on a prescription by advising the pharmacy.  The pharmacy will contact our office for you.. If you do not have refills remaining, you may call the office during normal business hours at 301.663.9440 and follow the prompts to reach the medical assistant/ secretary of your physician.  Please leave the information [...]

By |2016-11-13T03:20:46+00:00November 13th, 2016||Comments Off on How do I get my prescription refilled?

How long does it take to fill my prescription?

Please allow 48 hours to fill a prescription request.  Some prescription plans require authorization.  We see many patients and your request is as important to us as is the refill request of every other patient.  We appreciate your patience.

By |2016-11-13T03:20:52+00:00November 13th, 2016||Comments Off on How long does it take to fill my prescription?

Why do I have to see the doctor annually for prescription refills?

Your health needs to be evaluated every year to determine if the medication is still appropriate for you.  The doctor also may determine that you may need to decrease the medication, increase the medication, or change the medication to something that may work better for you.

By |2016-11-13T03:21:46+00:00November 13th, 2016||Comments Off on Why do I have to see the doctor annually for prescription refills?
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